Tag Archives: poly

COL669: LoR: Relationship Anarchy

In this episode of Cubs Out Loud, it’s time for another Landscape of Relationships. Damon is away this week celebrating his birthday, but have no fear dear listeners – because Dr. Edward Angelini-Cooke has returned! From scripts to relationship values, the guys discuss determining what each of us wants and needs.

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Landscape of Relationships: Relationship Anarchy

Landscape of Relationships is back with Dr. Angelini-Cooke to discuss the topic of Relationship Anarchy. Who doesn’t love disorder in their connections with others? Perhaps that isn’t what it means. Let’s learn together!

Instructional Manifesto for Relationship Anarchy post 

The term Relationship anarchist (also commonly called RA) was coined by Ardie Nordgren. Nordgren created the Instructional Manifesto for Relationship Anarchy in 2006. The Manifesto is a quick and easy read consisting of 9 principles of RA: 

  1. Love is abundant, and every relationship is unique
  2. Love and respect instead of entitlement 
  3. Find your core set of relationship values
  4. Heterosexism is rampant and out there, but don’t let fear lead you
  5. Build for the lovely unexpected
  6. Fake it til’ you make it
  7. Trust is better
  8. Change through communication
  9. Customize your commitments

“Relationship anarchy is a way of approaching relationships that rejects any rules and expectations other than the ones the involved people agree on. This approach ‘encourages people to let their core values guide how they choose and craft their relationship commitments rather than relying on social norms to dictate what is right for you,” Dedeker Winston, co-host of the Multiamory podcast

Relationship Anarchists is different and distinctive from polyamory and consensual non-monogamy because while a majority of RA practitioners may be poly and/or CNM, you can be monogamous and still practice RA.  

Choose your own adventure relationships. “Designer Relationships” by Mark A. Michaels

This is in line with our last LOR topic of amatonormativity. Many ace and aro individuals are using RA as a way to navigate their relationships and future relationships, because RA can apply to any and all types of relationships, not just romantic or sexual. There is no hierarchy.


COL613: LoR: New Relationship Energy

In this episode of Cubs Out Loud, the guys are joined again by Edward Angelini-Cooke to continue our Landscape of Relationships series.  Today’s topic is New Relationship Energy.  That euphoric feeling one gets from their glorious new relationship! However, there can be some challenges.  From Limerence of monogamy to the NRE of Polyamory, the cubs break down the pros and cons of this addiction to love.

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Landscape of Relationships: New Relationship Energy

How many songs can you think of that frame romantic love to addiction?


  • Dorothy Tennov, psychologist, coined the term limerence in her 1979 book Love and Limerence to describe the phenomenon of the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of beginning a relationship.  We also call it having a crush.  These feelings are categorized as being intrusive and everything seems to be about this person.  We can’t listen to the radio because every song seems to be about them.  Everything we see seems to remind us about them.  They become the central force of gravity in your life.  A black hole of attraction.  We have all had it at some time or another….and sometimes it is even reciprocated. 

New Relationship Energy (NRE)

  • Similar to limererance but for individuals in polyamorous relationships to describe and help manage the thoughts and feelings that arise during new relationship among already existing ones.  This is helpful to frame especially when feelings of jealousy from other partners are present.  
  • NRE is a hot topic in poly circles because it often comes up.

You know that song “Your Love is a Drug” by Kesha?  

  • She wasn’t lying.
  • The same chemical reactions that occur neurologically during the limerence phase of a new relationship also occur during crack cocaine addiction.  The relationship gives us the all of that feel good dopamine and norepinephrine, but also comes with obsessive thoughts when you are not with that other person…similar to withdrawal.  That is because we are experiencing low serotonin production at these times, which satiates us and lets us know “mmmm…..I’m full.”  Like Alexander Hamilton, we can never be satisfied in those early months.  

Cons of NRE 

  • Hyperfocus on new relationship, neglect other relationships and responsibilities 
  • Increases likelihood of negatively evaluating other partner’s behaviors.
  • Sometimes questionable behavior that is uncharacteristic (e.g. moving, big purchases)
  • Overlooking red flags 

Pros of NRE

  • Good feelings
  • High energy
  • Increased likelihood to try new things
  • Community wisdom (you are not alone…there are MANY others who have been there too)

What to do?

  • Head in the Clouds, Feet on the Floor
    • Its okay to be feel the good feelings….but be practical.
  • Don’t make big purchases: ( e.g. sign anything anything over $500 without consulting outside party)
  • Check In’s with friends and date nights with partners 
  • This, too, shall pass.
    • Research suggests 6 months to 2 years.

Old Relationship Energy (aka Established Relationship Energy, Existing Relationship Energy)

  • Old Relationship Energy: (noun) The dynamic of a long-standing established romantic or sexual relationship. Related to the Greek concept of pragma or mature love. Also known as companionate love. Also known as ORE. Its opposite is New Relationship Energy (or NRE).
  • Companionate love (secure) vs limerence (insecure)
  • Playing an instrument you are comfortable with….


Mina Beveney Dissertation Kinky POC Research Study

Are you a kinky person of color?  You may be eligible to participate in an anonymous online survey about your experiences!  This research will amplify and center the voices of kinky people of color, and results may benefit the larger community. Mina Beveney, a doctoral candidate and Black psychotherapist, is seeking participants for a 20 to 30-minute survey that will ask about experiences of racial or ethnic discrimination, sexual self-concept, and coping.

If you are a person of color age 18 or over that has participated in in-person BDSM spaces or contexts in the United States within the past 24 months, please follow this link (https://rebrand.ly/RaceKinkSurvey) to find out more and participate. Participants may choose to enter into a drawing to win a one of four $25 gift cards.

Thank you for your interest in this research!


COL551: Sex Needs vs COVID-19

In this episode of Cubs Out Loud, the guys are joined again by Edward Angelini-Cooke of EAC Therapy and COL’s resident sex therapist. For this episode, the cubs acknowledge their thirst due to many states’ social distancing regulations during the COVID-19 pandemic. Because of this, we bring in the good doc to discuss the sexual needs during this crisis. We all have needs and need to find ways to address them safely.

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COVID-19 isn’t going away. And now more than ever we’re facing challenges with having our sexual needs met. What’s a person to do?

This is an extended traumatic experience….which means that people are going to have traumatic reactions to this.  Here are some common traumatic reactions and ways to address them sexually:

IMPORTANT: Our reactions to this may be different therefore we may have different sexual libidos during this time (that is normal).


The 5 Love Languages

    • Phone Sex 
    • Video sex
  • Looking into the future 
    • Research is seeing a decrease in STI rates
      • Decrease access to testing sites
    • Re-entry 
      • Sexual risk taking 

Additional Resources: 



In this episode of Cubs Out Loud, Chester, Damon, and Gary take a break from the many activities at Cleveland Leather Annual Weekend 2018 to talk about their experiences. Who learned about BDSM history? Which of them had new experiences? Listen in to find out.


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On The Road Show: CLAW18 in Cleveland, Ohio

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