Tag Archives: Taxes

COL736: Updates and Planning

In this episode of Cubs Out Loud, it’s another What’s Going…oh, well, not really. Some changes and updates are coming soon for the guys, so this episode is to bring everyone up to speed. With life events happening left and right, listen in as one of the cubs prepares for a big move.

Show Topic

Life Updates and the Upcoming Episodes of COL

Last year Damon got married. This year Jeff is on the move. Does Gary feel left out of the major life event train? Magic 8 Ball says ‘Better not tell you now’.


COL460: Disney Madness

In this episode of Cubs Out Loud, the guys get into the maddening of last month, but use a different format. The cubs combine their love of Disney movies and the thrill of competition and bring together a bracket to pick the overall winner. Which movie is the champion of the Disney shootout?


What’s Going On?

  • Jeff: QE Can Get Boring
  • Damon: Taxes & CMC
  • Chester: Ready Player One/Phone Issues
  • Gary: Emergency Meds Ride-along

YouTube Subscribers:

  • Elizabeth B
  • IDontUnderstandWhyGoogleLetYourNameBeThisLong
  • Ginger Tea Time!
  • Tyler Minaj
  • Kris Andress

YouTube Comment:

  • Re: COL459: FURinTeeth – RIP – Bear Underground.net Too bad such a great site felt the need to reboot and screw it’s self out of biz.

Tumblr Followers:

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To play at home

Disney/Pixar Movie Bracket Challenge via Matt Herrick in honor of March Madness.

COL Final Bracket

64 Movies in 4 categories:

  • Silver & Gold Era
  • Renaissance
  • Modern
  • Pixar

I’ll Tumbl For Ya:


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COL457: Bear Positivity

In this episode of Cubs Out Loud, the guys use the recent Arrested Movement male nude art project to discuss body positivity in the bear community. Given that bear is sometimes considered a state of mind, the cubs ponder about healthy body image and whether or not this can be done through #thirsttrap and other self-positive concepts.


Introduction Topics

What’s Going On?

  • Jeff: Social Anxiety and Taxes
  • Damon: CMC Retreat
  • Gary: SSDD


Facebook Likes:

  • Michael Droste

YouTube Subscribers:

  • Jeff Leavitt
  • Fred Houmsi

YouTube Comment:

  • RE: COL456: Flagging – oscar orozco orejel: Hay there seems to be a little bit of audio quality problems with the recording

Blog Comment:

  • New comment on “COL455: Title Competing”: James Butterfield

Hey guys!  Great show as usual! Some things to clarify  – contestants are judged partly on audience reaction, and that we are the entertainment for the weekend. We were told that if we had a fantasy scene we would get rehearsal time, but when we arrived it was just a sound check.  So we did have a chance to be on the stage and get a feel for it, but there was no run-through.

As contestants, we were given pink name badges instead of yellow, so everyone knew we were competing.  So there was no way a contestant could hide.

As for the money issue – I know I spent quite a bit just preparing for NAB, and I’ve now spent a whole lot more just lining up travel!  Also, my tax return is buying my new title vest!

For the raffle ticket sales – my drive for selling was to raise as much money as possible.  I really wanted our total to be higher than last year.

Thanks again for the great show!!

James – 2018 Mr NAB Admirer, 2017 Klondykes Glitter Bear

Show Topic

If being a part of the Bear community is about one’s mindset, than how does one go about having a healthy sense of self? Is it possible to be happy and see what each of use is in a positive light?

Guys we know who have modeled:

Cooldown Topics

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Patreon Subscriber Thank Yous


  • Eric L
  • John H


  • Aaron H
  • Charles W
  • littlesnoze1

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COL408: WYR5: Hardest Sex Ever

In this episode Cubs Out Loud, Jeff’s levels are really quiet, but we’ll have that fixed next time!  Also, it’s time for another Would. You. Rather!! For this WYR, we’re talking about sex. And not just any sex, but hard sex. The questions will blow your…mind.


Introduction Topics

What’s Going On?

  • Jeff: I GOT A RAID TEAM!
  • Damon: H&R Blockheads!
  • Chester: I had surgery
  • Gary: T-Minus…


Facebook Likes – 1000+!!!!

  • Evan Pankratz
  • Tj Boychuk
  • Pup Yoshi
  • Breeze Vincinz
  • Jacque EL-Ajam

Facebook Comment/Post:

  • Paul Allen Hobby to Cubs Out Loud: Recently discovered your podcast, and I’m hooked. Really makes my work day fly by. Anyway, I was going back through older episodes and came across your atns: biphobia and just wanted to say I’m a bi bear, so now you know one!

YouTube Subscribers:

  • Rob Hall
  • RaccoonSgt

Twitter Followers:

Tumblr Followers:

Tumblr Comment:

  • CurvesandCrevices: DM. -I’d love to hear your thoughts on “coding gay” – from sounding gay (like the movie “Do I Sound Gay”) to other signals and things we do (consciously or not) to let others know we’re not straight. I am always read as straight, especially as I am bi and in a relationship with a women, and am curious to hear what you notice or do, or just your thoughts!
    -(Thanks as always for the great podcast.)
  • Rotundaplomb: DM-Got to ep 400 and am just about to hear the origin stories – so excited! As a side note, don’t OD on vitamin C! Over 2g/day can be harmful, especially in cases where there are other renal issues. Your body works hard to flush out excess. Stay well gents, and thanks for the podcast. ???

Weekly Topic

 Would You Rather: Hardest Sex Ever.

  1. Only be allowed to do foreplay with your hands OR only be allowed to do foreplay with your mouth?
  2. Have amazing sex that lasts 47 seconds OR have average sex that lasts 10 minutes?
  3. Only have sex in the shower OR only have sex on the floor?
  4. Have sex when you’re drunk OR have sex when you’re hungover?
  5. Only be allowed to masturbate to porn parodies such as Star Wars and Pokémon OR the only porn you’re allowed to watch is on Vine, meaning it lasts only six seconds?
  6. Be a sex slave for a month OR wear a chastity device for a month?
  7. Only have threesomes OR never have sex?
  8. Not be able to see during sex OR not be able to touch during sex?
  9. Give up sex for a year OR give up masturbating for a year?
  10. Have a threesome with two semi-attractive guys OR sex with one super hot guy?
  11. Get kissed on the lips and only the lips OR on every part of your body, except for your lips?
  12. Date someone who refuses to cuddle OR who refuses to go down on you?

Cooldown Topics

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COL361: Hey, What’s Going On?

COL361In this episode of Cubs Out Loud, the cubs get back together after a couple of weeks apart and talk about..well, what they have been up to. From jobs and work to taxes and cars, listen in the guys bring us up to speed on their lives.


Introduction Topics

What’s Going On?

  • Jeff: Pokemon
  • Damon: Saw some theater
  • Gary: Recovery mode engaged



COL359: LTAS: Food

  • Chester Beltowski‎: Just listening to the latest episode (359:Food) and all I’m thinking about is video… By the way, please tell me Uncle Pete will be on future shows, he’s effing hilarious. 

  • Randall Stratton I agree Uncle Pete was very funny and the show was good


  • Petronelus is now following 
  • Chris Ransdell: I hope I like the book because it comes in this week!





  • RJ – Great episode guys…but I must side with Gary Snyder on this one I’d be wondering how the hell to get things out of the sheets to enjoy, but great topic..huge hugs guys

Urbandictionary with Gary

  • hulu and handjobsLike netflix and chill, and amazon and anal but with more sexual activity.

Sharkisha: Wanna come over for netflix and chill tonight?

Quan: Nah..

Skarkisha: How bout some Amazon and Anal?

Quan : No sorry

Skarkisha: Fine maybe some hulu and handjobs?

Quan: Yes of course!

Weekly Topic

WTHB – What the heck bitches

Cooldown Topics

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