Tag Archives: inclusiveness

COL715: LTA… The Future of Events

In this episode of Cubs Out Loud, it’s time for another installment in the Let’s Talk About… series. Damon’s out on travel this week and we’re excited to have PupZeo return for a chat about the changes in recent years to events for LGBTQIA+ communities. From volunteerism and feedback to the challenges of feeding the masses, it’s time to line up and enjoy ample servings.

Show Topic

LTA… The Future of Events

Since the inception of the leather, bear, and kink communities events have been a way for people to come together and share time and space to make memories. With over fifty years of events having occurred, a lot has changed the landscape. From the digital revolution to worldwide pandemics, now we’re looking at how things have evolved. But has it all been for the betterment of the experience for attendees? Are there areas that need work? What opportunities are there for the coming years of activities?


COL457: Bear Positivity

In this episode of Cubs Out Loud, the guys use the recent Arrested Movement male nude art project to discuss body positivity in the bear community. Given that bear is sometimes considered a state of mind, the cubs ponder about healthy body image and whether or not this can be done through #thirsttrap and other self-positive concepts.


Introduction Topics

What’s Going On?

  • Jeff: Social Anxiety and Taxes
  • Damon: CMC Retreat
  • Gary: SSDD


Facebook Likes:

  • Michael Droste

YouTube Subscribers:

  • Jeff Leavitt
  • Fred Houmsi

YouTube Comment:

  • RE: COL456: Flagging – oscar orozco orejel: Hay there seems to be a little bit of audio quality problems with the recording

Blog Comment:

  • New comment on “COL455: Title Competing”: James Butterfield

Hey guys!  Great show as usual! Some things to clarify  – contestants are judged partly on audience reaction, and that we are the entertainment for the weekend. We were told that if we had a fantasy scene we would get rehearsal time, but when we arrived it was just a sound check.  So we did have a chance to be on the stage and get a feel for it, but there was no run-through.

As contestants, we were given pink name badges instead of yellow, so everyone knew we were competing.  So there was no way a contestant could hide.

As for the money issue – I know I spent quite a bit just preparing for NAB, and I’ve now spent a whole lot more just lining up travel!  Also, my tax return is buying my new title vest!

For the raffle ticket sales – my drive for selling was to raise as much money as possible.  I really wanted our total to be higher than last year.

Thanks again for the great show!!

James – 2018 Mr NAB Admirer, 2017 Klondykes Glitter Bear

Show Topic

If being a part of the Bear community is about one’s mindset, than how does one go about having a healthy sense of self? Is it possible to be happy and see what each of use is in a positive light?

Guys we know who have modeled:

Cooldown Topics

I’ll Tumbl For Ya:


Patreon Subscriber Thank Yous


  • Eric L
  • John H


  • Aaron H
  • Charles W
  • littlesnoze1

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