Tag Archives: kingfuraday

COL738: The Western Xposure Interview

In this episode of Cubs Out Loud, the guys are joined by the sexy, body positive WestCub aka West Fisher. From a love of camping and sexy men, West Fisher and co-founder Brian Hill created an ever popular event called Western Xposure. Listen in as the cubs interview WestCub on the event’s beginnings and its continued growth that has spanned two coasts of the US and nearly monthly events. Additionally, West also discusses his additional ventures in spreading the joy of big bear love around the nation.

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The Western Xposure Interview

That’s right, the king of bear and fluffy body positivity is joining us here at Cubs Out Loud. From a love of camping and sexy men, West Fisher and co-founder Brian Hill created an ever popular event that has spanned two coasts of the US and nearly monthly events. 
