Tag Archives: Anti-discrimination

COL091: No Lobster For You

With the myriad of votes affecting gays this past week Griff and the cubs talk about gay marriage in Maine, Washington and New York and the anti-discrimination law now in place in Kalamazoo, MI! – Also don’t forget to nominate us for the Best of Bears 2009

Hosts: Jeff, Griff, Tim, JJ


Quote of the week: Thlayli: Well, I don’t know if this means anything, but when you said you had one foot in the grave, all I could think of was you fucking some young gravedigger, not being old.

COL News


  • Re: Wait, #ShameOnMaine is the new hash tag?

While it sucks for Maine, it’s not the end…and unlike most other states it wasn’t a constitutional amendment. They simply repealed a law passed by the legislature. So, it will be easier to try again.

In other news, there are good things happening around the country, too – WA state had a great victory

Something is seriously wrong with the legislative mechanism if the civil rights of any sector of society can be restricted or denied by popular vote.

A nationwide campaign to strip the Church of its tax exempt status needs to be initiated along with filing civil rights lawsuits against it in every state of the union. It is clearly in violation of … the constitution for this cult to advocate against the civil rights and liberties of LGBT citizens. It needs to be put out of society’s misery once and for all.

  • Re: RT: @WashingtonBlade: Our office debate this morning: Is it time to set aside marriage and make the more pragmatic push for civil unions?

I say no. To me Civil Unions represents a contract between two people. It’s almost opting for the lesser than status because we don’t want to offend “them.” (narrow minded str8 right wing consevatives).

To me marriage represents a social and spirtual bond between two people. The problem is their are still misconceptions within society that Gay … People are unable to make those connections because our culture is still deemed as alternative and in some eyes a deviance. What our detractors tend to focus is on the typical gay sterotypes instead of openning their eyes and realizing that we can form long lasting bonds.

Those bonds not only have to be legalize recongized, but by right accepted as not less than str8 society, but equal than.

For all those detractors who attack us for wanting Gay Marriage forget about their own short comings of question what modern marriage mean. They cling to outdated models of the nuclear family ( a shame), fear of children going up confused ( a myth), that we already have our rights protected (another myth) and that we are unable to have lasting relationships (another bogus lie..for I know couples in Canada and US who been together for almost 20yrs).

This is why I always detested when Gay and Lesbians would refer to their boyfriends/girlfriends/spouses as “partner.” We’ve proven time and time again our relationships are stronger than that. I say fight all the way and don’t give up. We did it here in Canada and the sky hasn’t fallen .

*hugs* that’s my Tim Hortons Moment 🙂


  • Discussion of the news.
  • Is boycotting States that don’t support marriage equality effective?

