Tag Archives: Gay Marriage

COL091: No Lobster For You

With the myriad of votes affecting gays this past week Griff and the cubs talk about gay marriage in Maine, Washington and New York and the anti-discrimination law now in place in Kalamazoo, MI! – Also don’t forget to nominate us for the Best of Bears 2009

Hosts: Jeff, Griff, Tim, JJ


Quote of the week: Thlayli: Well, I don’t know if this means anything, but when you said you had one foot in the grave, all I could think of was you fucking some young gravedigger, not being old.

COL News


  • Re: Wait, #ShameOnMaine is the new hash tag?

While it sucks for Maine, it’s not the end…and unlike most other states it wasn’t a constitutional amendment. They simply repealed a law passed by the legislature. So, it will be easier to try again.

In other news, there are good things happening around the country, too – WA state had a great victory

Something is seriously wrong with the legislative mechanism if the civil rights of any sector of society can be restricted or denied by popular vote.

A nationwide campaign to strip the Church of its tax exempt status needs to be initiated along with filing civil rights lawsuits against it in every state of the union. It is clearly in violation of … the constitution for this cult to advocate against the civil rights and liberties of LGBT citizens. It needs to be put out of society’s misery once and for all.

  • Re: RT: @WashingtonBlade: Our office debate this morning: Is it time to set aside marriage and make the more pragmatic push for civil unions?

I say no. To me Civil Unions represents a contract between two people. It’s almost opting for the lesser than status because we don’t want to offend “them.” (narrow minded str8 right wing consevatives).

To me marriage represents a social and spirtual bond between two people. The problem is their are still misconceptions within society that Gay … People are unable to make those connections because our culture is still deemed as alternative and in some eyes a deviance. What our detractors tend to focus is on the typical gay sterotypes instead of openning their eyes and realizing that we can form long lasting bonds.

Those bonds not only have to be legalize recongized, but by right accepted as not less than str8 society, but equal than.

For all those detractors who attack us for wanting Gay Marriage forget about their own short comings of question what modern marriage mean. They cling to outdated models of the nuclear family ( a shame), fear of children going up confused ( a myth), that we already have our rights protected (another myth) and that we are unable to have lasting relationships (another bogus lie..for I know couples in Canada and US who been together for almost 20yrs).

This is why I always detested when Gay and Lesbians would refer to their boyfriends/girlfriends/spouses as “partner.” We’ve proven time and time again our relationships are stronger than that. I say fight all the way and don’t give up. We did it here in Canada and the sky hasn’t fallen .

*hugs* that’s my Tim Hortons Moment 🙂


  • Discussion of the news.
  • Is boycotting States that don’t support marriage equality effective?



It’s Time

From boycottmaine.us.

As I wait for Maine’s votes to be counted, I have time to provide an explanation of this website and the person behind the scenes.

I’m a gay male who’s tired of both the religious right and the general gay agenda. Both sides have been fighting the same fight under different guises for over forty years. While gay rights have come a long way since the time of Stonewall, all would acknowledge we have a long way to go.

Case in point is the current fight for gay marriage. I don’t support the the idea that gays have a right to marry. Now, before you click to the next blog let me explain.

Simply put, I don’t believe the word marriage should be in any of our laws. As I’ve said on many a podcast “Marriage is a religious concept and has no place in our laws.” Now imagine if gay activists throughout our country promoted that agenda…there’d be an all out lynching.

I don’t see marriage being repealed from our laws, nor do I see a fight for that ideal forming within my lifetime. Therefore, all I can do is to fight for what will pass, gay marriage.

However, the “in your face” approach that has been utilized over the past forty years is one that can continue to be employed. You see, in any war, tactics must change. Taking a page from recent history shows that the first step the US takes is an air attack. The military goes in and carpet bombs various areas of the target in an attempt to “shock and awe”. I equate this approach to how the gay movement began in the 1960’s, and how it continues today.

After the initial campaign, the military switches to using ground troops employing a much more thorough combat method. Some might say that this strategy employs intellect over brawn.

In my opinion, humble or not, it is time for gay activists to begin an intellectual fight for our rights. Rather than being “in your face” with rampant displays of sexuality during pride events, we need to bring the fight to our every day interactions with family, friends, colleagues, etc. I am not suggesting the standard method of coming out is in order; after all, that would be “in your face”. It’s time to begin bringing pictures of our boyfriends, girlfriends, partners and gay “family” into the office. It’s time to stop making up stories as to why we must leave early, what we are doing during the holidays, our vacation, birthday and weekends. It’s only when we begin to speak the truth in a non-confrontational way that our true desires as a community can begin to be realized in today’s social climate. Just as we’ve come a long way in forty years, our straight counter-parts have too. We must stop fighting how we have all along and realize that more of society is ‘with us’ than ‘against us’. Our “in your face” methods have made many would-be supporters tune out.

But this website is not about the overall change that I believe must happen in order for gays to finally get the rights they deserve. This website is about another tactic that we’ve seen used against us but rarely employed ourselves. Boycott.

tr.v. boy·cott·ed, boy·cott·ing, boy·cotts
To abstain from or act together in abstaining from using, buying, or dealing with as an expression of protest or disfavor or as a means of coercion. See Synonyms at blackball.
n. The act or an instance of boycotting.

[After Charles C. Boycott (1832-1897), English land agent in Ireland.]
boy’cott’er n.

“boycott.” The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Houghton Mifflin Company, 2004. 03 Nov. 2009. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/boycott>

The voters of Maine made clear today that they do not support equality within their borders. They have voted to prohibit two loving citizens the protections of marriage simply because those citizens poses similar sets of genitalia. Mainers have decided to vote against love, family, humanity and decency by effectively repealing a law enacted by their elected officials just five months ago.

It is now time for us, as gay men, women and transgendered to cast our vote against Main and the ~53% of its electorate that chose to deny homosexual citizens the same protections heterosexuals enjoy simply because because of our chromosomes. We must unite and begin an immediate slowing of tourism to Maine.

Until we speak with our dollars, those unable to get past gender assignment will not even try to understand that our desire for marriage is not about “tab a, slot b”, or any combination thereof. Until we speak the language of capitalism, we will not be taken seriously in our quest for democracy. As long as homosexuals continue to give our taxed dollars to those who voted yes on Question 1, they won’t understand how they are truly affected by the gay community.

In 2006, tourists accounted for ~$429 million in tax revenues with tourism alone accounting for 17% of jobs in the state. Indeed Maine states the quality of life afforded to its citizens is affected directly by tourism. It is ironic that the gay Mainer is not afforded the same quality of life paid for by his gay brothers as they visit Maine on vacation.

It is time for all members of the LGBT community to stop paying for the life enjoyed by those who voted against our community.

The argument will be made that by restricting our spending in Maine, we will affect the gay community negatively. I respond by saying that the emotional affect of today’s vote is much more harmful to gay citizens participating in Maine’s tourism industry than any hit to their wallets will be. Certainly there will be pain, the pain that comes before any advancement is realized. I stop short at suggesting LGBT citizens pack up and move to one of the four New England states that support gay marriage, but it’s not a bad idea.

The LGBT community has tried to be in our enemies’ faces for too long now, with diminishing results. It is time to redefine the war – and our methods – for obtaining the same status afforded to the heterosexual citizenry of the world.

It is with this goal that I launch BoycottMaine.US today. My sincere hope is that it will grow into a place where LGBT individuals can learn more about the fight for equality in Maine and other states, while discussing ways we can spend our gay tourism dollars in states that support our right to equal protection under the law.
– TheGriff

Please comment on this article at http://bit.ly/boycottmaine.

COL090: No Glory For The Swine

We have a ton of Feedback, which we love, Friends and Ex’s, Tim’s Boyfriend John has Swine Flu and more. Also, don’t forget to nominate us for the Best of Bears 2009.


Feedback –

  • Voicemail from FuzzBear
  • Darnell via COL mail –

I really enjoy your podcast. Yet what I think makes me so crazy just hit me. I think Giff may have an issue with the “spectrum of gay”. What I mean by that is we as gay people come in all shapes, colors, sizes, political, economic, social ways of life. Yet, we are all gay and we need to support each other. There is a great movie called Flawless (1999) with Robert De Niro, in there there is a line where Phillip Seymour Hoffman’s character Rusty Zimmerman says when talking to a group of gay republican, “You’re ashamed of us, but were not ashamed of you. As long as you go down on your Banana Republican knees and suck dick, you’re my sisters, and I love you. And fuck off!”

This is how I feel. I may not agree at times with the means of the gay movement but I think we all can agree on the ends which I believe is equality for all gays in America.

Great job Jeff. Love the passion. Giff keep it coming, really respect your thoughts and opinions on things bro.

  • Motorbear via comments –

I used to work in an office environment. I am an openly gay male. I had a picture of my partner at the time and myself on my desk. One day I was asked to remove it because it offended some people or so I was told. I told them only on the condition that everyone else removes the pictures of their loved ones. After all, fair is fair. I was fired. I do not live in a right to work state. The union would not support me. Your idea for a “silent movement” for lack of a better term is just that. Your idea and I respect that. However it won’t always work. Nothing ever does. I was a good worker. I busted my ass everyday and was respected by colleagues or so I thought. Now tell me. What should I do? I have already talked to the labor board and was denied a hearing.

  • Fuzzbear via comments –

Im here at work listening … OMG i almost spit my coffee out..

Griff : we need to stop being hostile.

I swear i heard a growl when he said that LOL too funny.

  • Thanks Greg/Chaz, Renee, BlackSwan, Thlayli


  • Maine – About time to vote. Governor Baldacci ““I think Maine people have recognized … that we are all unique people, we are all different,” he said. “But we are all under the same Constitution and we all want to make sure there is equal protection for all citizens.””
  • Hate crimes now cover LGBT
  • Gay marriage in NY?


  • Friends w/ Ex’s?
  • Dumping people
  • Griff still needs ideas!


  • Why no “Cub of the Year”? – Griff
  • Hype over H1N1/Swine Flu – Tim


COL088: Ring of Honor

Griff’s fired up about the gay rights movement, hate crime legislation and guys who want anything but substance.



  • Renee Crocker (Comment on last show)

Thanks for this podcast! I think Coming Out Day is awesome for so many reasons. Even though I’m a straight female, I have seen the struggles that closeted gays go through. I’m not going to pretend to understand, but it still hurts when I see it.

I want a day where that doesn’t have to be a coming out day and that people can just come out without prejudice or shock and it becomes accepted.

Thanks for the awesome podcast guys. It’s one of my favorites! Keep it up. *drinks because she heard Capital City Mens Chorus*

Game for the chatroom.



  • Is being gay a right? The term gay rights.
  • Equality = equal crime punishment
  • Set on fire > hate.
  • Are we pushing too hard?
  • Birthdays!


  • Shake Weight for Men – Jeff


  • Uncharted 2 (PS3) – jj


  • Capitalism: A Love Story – Griff
  • Film Riot – Jeff