Tag Archives: progress

COL513: 50 Years Later

In this episode of Cubs Out Loud, the guys cap off the ending of Pride Month with a look to the future. Stonewall was approximately 50 years ago, so the cubs peer into their crystal balls to imagine what the world will be like in another 50 years. From the good, the bad and the ugly, listen as the guys share their predictions on the status of the GLBTQ+ community as they become bitter old men.

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50 Years From Now

Some might say a lot has happened in the 50 years since the Stonewall Riots; others might say not enough. What if we attempt to shift our gaze into a crystal ball and forecast what may happen in the next 50 years to come?

Holocaust Nazi Concentration Camp Badges


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COL508: What is… Self-Love?

In this episode of Cubs Out Loud, the guys take a fan’s request and come up with a potential new ongoing segment. In this inaugural episode of “What is?”, the cubs discuss self-love. From describing the term to discussing applications in our lives, the guys give you some personal advice on how to love yourself. ‘Cus if you can’t love yourself, how in the hell can you love somebody else?

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New Series! What is… Self-Love?

Discussion of the term ‘self-love’. Do we agree as co-hosts on what all is involved with loving ourselves?

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