COL742: Does Anyone WOOF Anymore?

In this episode of Cubs Out Loud, the guys get together to ruminate on something that was brought up just last episode. With Pride Month still dancing around their heads, the cubs shift focus to the bear community to discuss the classic expression “Woof”. From its roots in cult film to its influence in bear culture, the guys debate the importance of the word in today’s inclusive society. Is it still the compliment it once was, or has it gone the way of the dino.

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Does anyone WOOF anymore?

Since the beginning of the Bear movement in the late 1980s into the 90s, a community started to develop its own identity and communication style. The phrase / word WOOF entered the scene. Perplexing many a person for decades, the term has been used for flirting, approval, and downright complimenting. But do bears woof anymore? 

Woof: the ubiquitous and obligatory expression of interest and affection found in gay culture, most commonly in the scruffy/furry/beefy/muscley subsection of Fagdom.  Written out or verbally communicated, “woof” is a common way to affectionately and succinctly say, “Oh I like you!”

Source: Scruff and City article from 2012

A comment on that article stated the following: June 24, 2014 at 1:05 pm Bill says: It started at the “Stud” in Ft. Lauderdale by a couple few guys as a tribute to Madeline Kahn from a scene in “Young Frankenstein”. It has nothing to do with Bear origins.

The scene referenced can be found on Youtube here. And it really does seem to line up in a kookie yet quirky way as Young Frankenstein is a cult classic film from 1974 directed by comedic legend Mel Brooks starring Gene Wilder, Madeline Kahn, and Marty Feldman. 

However, in the comment thread for that Youtube video, there is a correction that actually Teri Garr said WOOF earlier in the film when reacting to the idea of the creature [Young Frankenstein] having an ‘Enormous Schwanzstucker’. Their version of WOOF is pronounced more like wuff. The Madeline Kahn use of WOOF is actually the second time which is a callback to the Teri Garr reference earlier in the film. 

The History of Woof! By X-Woofer on Tue, 06/25/2013 – 1:31am.

Woof… Started in a gay bar called “The Stud” on Andrews Avenue in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida in the early 1990’s by 3 guys named Bobby, Ziggy and Twinkie (Micheal). After watching the movie “Young Frankenstein” for the 100th time, the boys set off cruising A1A for “Fleet Week” in a blue Chrysler LeBaron convertible. Woofing and barking at all the hot sailors in uniform as a tribute to Madeline Kahn from a scene in “Young Frankenstein” when the Monster unzips his pants for the first time. Seeing what the Monster had, Ms Kahn couldn’t say anything but her trademark “WOOF!”. Later that night at the Stud, the guys continued drinking and Woofing at hot, masculine men and almost got into a few fights because some people thought they were being insulted. The Stud being the number one club at that time, with tens of thousands of gay men from all over the world coming there each and every year, getting laid and Woofed at, it caught on. Just like with most things gay, if one does it, all do it. Now, for us who were there, it is laughable to hear. So, the next time you hear “Woof!”, laugh, think of Madeline.

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