Tag Archives: Election 2008

Yessir, the times, they are a-changin’!

My congratulations to both the Democratic Nominees for President and Vice President, and the Republican Nominees in Waiting. Our choices have been narrowed down to one involving an African-American (whose middle name is coincidentally Hussein) running with a Catholic, and a Septuagenarian (Happy 72nd, Senator!) who has chosen a woman as his running mate. Way to disenfranchise racists, anti-papists, ageists, sexists, and all-around bigots of any stripe! What a fascinating election this one is turning out to be! Ah, how I love politics…

Here are the official links for the Democratic and Republican tickets:



Ok now it looks desperate.

Don’t mean to be political. But I just had to chime in.

Now understand I don’t hate Hillary. I don’t. I would have supported her if I did not think the other guy was the better choice – at least for me. But this does not help her case……


To say that the spin from the Clinton campaign is less than convincing is an understatement. But to be “pwned” by the party you are trying to “pwn” only makes you look well….sad.

And Olbermann yet again speaks what I have been thinking. Nuff said.