Tag Archives: Food

Dramatic Acceptance

boxpuppy : Would you like to join us for trivia tonight?
kudzucub : GASP
kudzucub  : an actual invite?
kudzucub  : i would like to thank the academy
kudzucub  : for this great honor
kudzucub  : all my adoring fans
boxpuppy : *sigh*
kudzucub  : my friends who stuck by me to the bitter end
kudzucub  : you love me
kudzucub  : you really love me
boxpuppy : So, no?
kudzucub  : thank you
kudzucub  : *tears*
kudzucub  : sure

So the Cubs of COL will be at TGIFriday’s in the Arboretum tonight at around 7 incase anyone would like to join us in the bar to play trivia.

Bearly Edible


I was checking my feeds, and I was feeling hungry and the first item in the feed was a recipe for Spicy Southwestern Smoky Chili from the Bearly Edible Blog. Needless to say, my stomach sounded like a Bear in heat. This also reminded me of Bear Cookin’: The Original Guide to Bear Comfort Foods and More Bear Cookin’: Bigger And Better. I have Bear Cookin’ and I think I’ll break it out and actually cook almost every one of the recipes. If it has fish in it, I’m not eating it. I’ll report back on the food from the book and let you all know what I think. And I’ll post pictures in a Flickr feed for COL. I’ve also been thinking that it would be interesting to start a Bear Food podcast. Maybe see if Chef Tom of the Bearly Edible blog would like to participate. What do you all think? Would you listen to a podcast about food and bears?

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