Political Predictions

Based on some of the most recent polls that I’ve seen on various sites that we listed a couple episodes ago, including one from rove.com, Ive created this projection map with less than 5 days until Election Day. I’d be interested to hear your thoughts, and to see your versions of what you think might happen when we wake up on Wednesday of next week.

I made this map with the help of Yahoo’s Political Dashboard, and you can, too, if you’d like.

5 thoughts on “Political Predictions”

  1. I took three pandas with me for early voting and they were not allowed to vote because of a new Florida law that requires proof of U.S. and Florida citizenship to vote. It will take at least one month to get the paperwork from the Feds. If a third of the so called minorities are disqualified from voting then Florida will be a red state.

  2. This is true in most states if not all of them. You need to be registered to vote and provide appropriate ID at the polls otherwise they cannot prove you're eligible to vote. I strongly encourage people to vote, but there is some preparation before you actually hit the polls. In the meantime, get them the documentation so that if they are unable to vote this time around, they will be ready for the next round.

  3. They did vote in the last election and did bring driver's licenses, but this new law requires additional documentation for those that aren't “Real Americans”(White).

  4. You may want to re-confirm this information. Here is the Florida voting ID requirments:

    Election Day ID Requirements

    You must bring proper identification containing your photo and signature. If your picture ID does not have your signature, show another ID that has your signature. The address on your ID does NOT need to match the address on the official voter list.

    # ALL voters are required to present one of the following IDs to vote a regular ballot: Florida’s driver’s license
    # Current and Valid Florida State ID Card issued by
    the Dept. of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles
    # U.S. passport
    # Debit or Credit Card
    # Military ID
    # Student ID
    # Retirement Center ID
    # Neighborhood Association ID
    # Public Assistance ID

    # *Out-of-State Driver’s Licenses will NOT be Accepted

    Your Voter Registration card is NOT an acceptable form of ID, and you don't need it to vote.

    If you do not have a valid picture ID, or if you are not allowed to vote for another reason, you have a right to vote on a “provisional ballot.” Your provisional ballot will be counted if your signature matches your voter registration signature and if you are otherwise eligible to vote. You will fill out and sign a special form provided by the poll officials.

  5. You may want to re-confirm this information. Here is the Florida voting ID requirments:

    Election Day ID Requirements

    You must bring proper identification containing your photo and signature. If your picture ID does not have your signature, show another ID that has your signature. The address on your ID does NOT need to match the address on the official voter list.

    # ALL voters are required to present one of the following IDs to vote a regular ballot: Florida’s driver’s license
    # Current and Valid Florida State ID Card issued by
    the Dept. of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles
    # U.S. passport
    # Debit or Credit Card
    # Military ID
    # Student ID
    # Retirement Center ID
    # Neighborhood Association ID
    # Public Assistance ID

    # *Out-of-State Driver’s Licenses will NOT be Accepted

    Your Voter Registration card is NOT an acceptable form of ID, and you don't need it to vote.

    If you do not have a valid picture ID, or if you are not allowed to vote for another reason, you have a right to vote on a “provisional ballot.” Your provisional ballot will be counted if your signature matches your voter registration signature and if you are otherwise eligible to vote. You will fill out and sign a special form provided by the poll officials.

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