COL033: Going Shallow

Going Shallow


Gay Podcasts

Bear Get Togethers and Sex

GLBT Schools

WTF: Videos on IMDB

Cub Picks: • Palin/Hillary Open – Jeff and John John

• Terminator: The Sarah Conner Chronicles: Samson and Delilah – Jeff

The Daily Show with John Stewart – Keith

Amazon S3 and Jungle Disk – Keith

Stunning Pre and Post Storm Photo Comparisons of Ike’s Wrath – Tim

E.G. Podcast 004: Multiplayer Gaming – Johnjohn

6 thoughts on “COL033: Going Shallow”

  1. I would have been better off if I went to a gay high school. But legally this would have to be a private school. There are still a few male only and female only private schools and colleges. I did face some threats about being gay and the teachers and principal did nothing.

  2. Tim, avocado shake sounds delicious. I grew up treating avocado as a dessert.

    I don't think there should be gay-only schools. Schools should promote tolerance and give full support to Gay/Straight Alliance organizations.

  3. Jeff, IMDB/Amazon can do whatever they want to make money. If IMDB gets a lot of visitors from movie watchers, why not direct them accordingly and make money out of it?

  4. I would have been better off if I went to a gay high school. But legally this would have to be a private school. There are still a few male only and female only private schools and colleges. I did face some threats about being gay and the teachers and principal did nothing.

  5. Tim, avocado shake sounds delicious. I grew up treating avocado as a dessert.

    I don't think there should be gay-only schools. Schools should promote tolerance and give full support to Gay/Straight Alliance organizations.

  6. Jeff, IMDB/Amazon can do whatever they want to make money. If IMDB gets a lot of visitors from movie watchers, why not direct them accordingly and make money out of it?

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