bighoustonbear’s blog


mean girls 2

In any social organization comprised of individuals from a variety of socio- and  politico-economic backgrounds, there will always be cliques and hierarchies. This internal caste system is an unfortunate reality, dealt with in a variety of ways. It’s sad reality, particularly when those who perceive themselves to be at the upper tier of that caste system resort to the ugly tactics of promoting a hate campaign against another person, especially within such a small community as ours.

What a sad commentary on the infantile and immature state of mind of those individuals, with the self-imposed title of The “A-List” Crowd; these educated and intelligent adult men who feel the need to resort to antics and behavior generally attributed to insecure adolescent high school girls. Actions that, if written as strictly factual text, would read like a scene from the movie Mean Girls or The Heathers. What is more disturbing is when this “A-List Crowd” builds these lies and mis-truths into an all-out campaign of hatred and division, drawing the lines of social compartmentalization in the sand; ‘us’ against ‘them’. It all sounds vaguely reminiscent of the warped cold war tactics used by communist Russia and China to convince their peoples of the evils of the American Democracy.


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