COL395: Bear Run Hints and Tips

In this episode of Cubs Out Loud, Jeff, Chester and Gary are joined by Derek and Greg from the YouTube vlog Men of the Den for a chat about bear run hints. From awkward moments they’ve experienced to some helpful suggestions on how to prepare for your first bear run.


Introduction Topics

What’s Going On?

  • Jeff: Fuckin’ Allergies
  • Chester: Keeping myself active and busy
  • Gary: World AIDS Day
  • Derek: keeping busy and active
  • Greg: playing lots of destiny


Facebook Likes:

  • Eric Myers
  • Jack G Hinkle
  • Carolina Tilli
  • Lucas Brown
  • Leland Schmick
  • Daniel Drent
  • James Lorson
  • Joe Berlik
  • Tucker Smith
  • Dan Frase
  • Bj Boux
  • Erick Lundgren

Comment from COL Post “Do you have any tips for bear runs?”

  • Jack Hinkle: Be active. If there are activities going on, join in. You can make connections just be playing a round of cards, having a cocktail, or participating in “loving our bear bodies”.

Tumblr Followers:


Haters gonna hate! RE: Our COL Meetup @ MWBF

  • diamone: yyyaaaaawwwwwnnnnn. wannabe radio celebrities wanna host a wannabe party for wannabe followers who have to then venture out into the snow and cold, pay to park hustle their ass inside as fast as they can lest they freeze in place in the parking lot, pay entrance/event fee, pay for food booze and lodging and then tolerate loud noise(s)/music and crowds. Sounds like a lotta fun.

Urbandictionary with Gary

  • Bear Flu: Illnesses which are spread around at bear run conventions due to the large numbers of people who gather and interact in one confined place. Lack of sleep, drama, stress, travel, and post con depression may also depress the immune system, contributing to bear flu. This is synonymous with “Con Crud” or “Kennel Cough“, but this is more specific to bear runs.
    • I had an amazing time at Texas Bear Round-up, but I ended up catching bear flu.

Weekly Topic

Bear Run Tips & Tricks

  • What was the first run you ever went to?
  • What did you expect your experience would be at the run?
  • Was your experience similar to what you expected? Or was it vastly different?
  • How has going to (Tidal Wave) several years in a row, now, changed your outlook on going to bear runs?
  • Often, couples will go to a run together but go off in separate directions while there, do you do this?  How do you make it work?
  • Are there any other runs that you would like to go to?
  • What is the single most important piece of advice you can give about attending a run?

Chester’s Research Feedback:

  • Martin Price (non-listener): Attend the meet’n’greet. Smile. Wear a conversation piece which will invite comment.
  • Eric Riley from MOTD: A bear run is still a vacation. Meet up with your friends you know there. Go out and explore the city beyond the hotel. Relax in whatever other ways work for you (I read books by the pool and idgaf what people think about that). If it’s too overwhelming or intense feel free to step away and collect yourself before you go back into the big parties. And if you do share a room with people, as this is very common, make sure that you and your roommates are compatible people socially. If the vibe is off, it’s going to have a negative impact on your experience. Understand what the boundaries are between you and your roommates and clarify expectations about what shenanigans may take place in the room. Be blunt, be honest, and be willing to give people space when they need it for whatever reason.

Cooldown Topics

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